As a fellow who discovered the world of ethical non-monogamy in my 40's (or at least acknowledged and fostered what was already there), the part of this article that resonated with me most strongly is the role of friendship as a foundation--the simple and essential ability to enjoy each other's company and make each other laugh and feel good about oneself as a result. All my relationships start with that. And in my experience, the point about removing the pressure of dating and "seeking a match" and self-inflicted expectations around sex and intimacy, really does so much good in the dating sphere. Shrugging off rejection with a smile and maintaining positivity for the other person has also been a key life lesson I have cultivated as best I can. I have had several instances where someone who initially broke things off (usually due to negative feelings about polyamory) would circle back to me weeks or months later to go out again. I believe this is mostly because I was enjoyable to be with, interesting, and made them feel good about themselves--and they knew I could handle a little adversity. Women I have dated tend to be friends, or at least amicable acquaintances, long after we part ways. I love my dating life.
Highly enjoyable article, Ossiana--and I didn't find the title to be nearly the distraction others apparently did.