*Bravo* for this Elle! Living in a fairly straight-laced Southern banking town like Charlotte, I get some real humdingers in terms of uninformed comments about polyamory, particularly from my contemporaries. Just last weekend to a long-time friend about having a date loudly proclaim to me her opinion that polymarous men were just another name for womanizers. She simply couldn't conceive of ethically having multiple intimate relationships. Though the really hurtful part was to hear my friend express that she shared the opinion. She even exclaimed to me "this is North Carolina, not France!"--as if this meant something (I know she's hurting from a break-up so I'm attributing much of her anger there to projection). I've found it to be such a more authentic way of living for me, but it does wear on my soul to constantly have to face the endless suspicion from those who cannot get past their own biases. Thanks for helping educate on this topic.