Hmm, interesting. And very different from my perspective, and not in any negative way. It's just interesting to see how others contextualize people and events differently. I did enjoy how you talk about viewing her as person vs character; that distinction feels important. I find myself hugely warming to Abigail Thorne (the character ;)). But her "transness" to me (as person or character) is almost irrelevant. Not that I'm indifferent by any means; it just doesn't register as a defining characteristic in the way it might for others. What wins me over is her breakdown of complex and thorny issues or people, Jordan Peterson or abortion, for example. And the fact that she attempts to do so with a commitment towards not knowingly infusing it with any of her own personal ideology--even as she portrays a particularly weak or ideological argument in scathing (and brilliant) satire. We need more of Philosophy Tube...and writing like this observing its impact on culture at large. Thanks for sharing.