I liked it! But to get this off my chest, the "most of us assume" sentence was a bit of a doozy: no one is going to a strip club looking for "crime". That sentence felt more than a little off the mark.
But I'm glad I stuck with it. The rest made a lot of sense to me. I was a regular at several clubs for years in my 40's and would often seek clubs out when traveling. And it was often for the reasons you cite. It's very much about the fantasy and flirtation and just wanting to get out and socialize, and doing so in a relatively safe, low-risk environment, with a bit of a hedonistic thrill.
Most of the dancers (at least the ones that I would connect with) were not the desperate, dim, or drug-addled women some of society seems to think they are. I've had many wonderful conversations with well-educated women who were dancers. Most had a certain fearlessness and willingness to challenge conventions. Several are still acquaintances on social media, and include moms, musicians, business professionals, teachers and entrepreneurs.
Thanks for sharing this!