I think you have the right of it, and I turn to one of my favorite philosophical sources to back it up: “there is no such thing as moral phenomena, only a moral interpretation of phenomena” — Friedrich Nietzsche (whose work arguably presaged deconstructionist feminism). To me, trying to say “all sex work is degrading” or “all sex work is empowering” is an exercise in futility that presupposes an action has inherent morality without consideration of the specific circumstances. Laws are most just when they steer clear of absolutes, and instead traffic in the gray practical areas of how citizens are impacted in their individual experiences. It’s not the *sex* or the *work* that is the problem it’s whether they have a choice, and if they (and their patrons) approach the job ethically. I for one, celebrate empowered sex workers and think we’d be a happier world with them openly appreciated instead of being secretly sought after while publicly maligned.