My read is that she's speaking to male conceit. She provides citations of studies backing this up (if you had been able to continue reading). Aside from true size fetishists, and I have enjoyed knowing a few, I believe she is saying most women don't really place it among a top attribute in a mate. Or maybe better said: the ones who do, or appear to, do so only because we men are endlessly fascinated by our own junk and they are playing along with us, sometimes exuberantly, often with an eye-roll. My experiences with women seems to validate her statements, or "spilled ink" if you prefer. If you show up confidently and genuinely in bed, you aren't going to get kicked out 99% of the time regardless of the wrench in your toolbox. But to each his or her own, and if the opening statement put you so off as to not be able to possibly choose to continue, well, I respect you advocating for your own mental health. Though you missed a pretty entertaining read.