Thank you Misty for a thoughtful piece and sharing @oneguysopinion. I don't agree with everything he says or the way he portrays it, but what I think he underscores well is the struggle many men have with the competing pulls of the traditional image of masculinity they have grown up with and the ways masculinity is being redefined by well-intentioned but often confusing and convoluted progressive ideals. The potential for double-standards I believe to be very real, and very polarizing. You can see it everywhere among men seeking to engage and understand, sometimes clumsily, often defensively. I believe there is ample opportunity to make the many reasonable men out there allies in the fight to rectify long-standing abuses against women. Your points about the classist nature of patriarchy in particular made me want to stand up and cheer. I have such a passionate interest in this topic. Keep it up and thank you for your perspective!