There is a lot of goodness in here. Once you can set aside all the cultural bias that is stacked against sugar relationships (not to mention sex work broadly) they can be approached like any relationship should be: with authenticity, honesty, compassion, understanding. I had set aside all of my own such activities about a year ago to fix some badly broken things in my life, and until recently was fairly adamant that I wouldn’t go back to sugaring, mostly because of the association with deception on my part, and feelings of guilt on the part of one of my long-time SB’s. But I really liked what you said about how it overturns conventional patterns and thinking, and that for both better and worse it can be both less intimate and less vulnerable. The overt presence of money makes it no less valid as a form of relationship, just one with different pitfalls to avoid. I’m not so sure now about ruling it out. I’ve met some amazing people that way before. And I also find that, in combination with kink, sugaring is conducive to the kind of highly freeing eroticism that fuels my creative side, my feelings of aliveness and focus, like few other things. I emerge from the experiences ready to write, photograph, draw, to *express*.