This was such a touching, real story. This struggle I think is unfortunately faced to one degree or another by sexually assertive women the world over. I also very much appreciate you voicing your choice of non-monogamy so unequivocally.
I'm a bit mixed about James: I see the gift that your relationship with him was (and have similar firsthand experience), but my own journey tells me that despite the love there still is a reckoning for the deception of his wife and family (I assumed they were unaware). Acknowledging that and then growing past it will be something he (and to a lesser extent you) may find a necessary part and painful part of genuine healing. Again, I can only speak from my own experiences that this was the case.
Oops that got preachier than I intended :/. Again, a truly wonderful article and I feel the joy and beauty of self-discovery that you've shared. Many claps! Thanks M.C.!